
Monday, June 1, 2015

A New Beginning

Hello, and welcome to my little corner of the internet.

My name is Amanda! I'm 22-years-old and married to Justen, who is 25-years-old. We've been married since November 27th, 2010. We have two gorgeous boys; Brayden who just turned 4-years-old in March, and Elijah who will be 7-months-old next week.

We just moved to Northwest Florida from Northeast Florida. So if you're close, give a shout out. ;)

I'm a stay-at-home mom currently and I am a presenter for Younique, which I will go more into at another time. My passion is writing, though I've seemed to have put it on hold recently with the move and the other craziness going on. Hopefully I will get back on track with that soon and update on my progress as I--hopefully--finish editing my first manuscript and begin the journey of querying agents.

Other things that I love to do is: reading, cooking, baking, knitting, planning, watching my favorite TV shows, listen to my never-ending playlists on Spotify, and scour Pinterest for new things to try.

I've had many blogs throughout the years; mostly book review blogs and writing blogs. This blog will be a compilation of things I love. Things about my family and tips on babies and family life; recipes; reviews of whatever I feel needs to be talked about; TV show talk; book talk; organization and planning things; updates on my writing, and writing in general; Younique related things; random ramblings; and whatever else I feel like posting.

So follow me on the journey of craziness that this is expected to be! :) And don't be afraid to e-mail or comment; I love making new friends! :)